DEI—Not a Social Initiative… an Imperative Growth Strategy
In today’s hypercompetitive and rapidly evolving business landscape, leaders can no longer afford to view Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion as merely a social justice initiative. While the moral and ethical imperative of inclusivity is undeniable, what often gets overlooked is the overwhelming financial and strategic advantage it brings to organizations that fully embrace it.
Burnout is Out—Energy-Powered Resilience is In
“Organizations and leaders can make a profound difference for team members at the systems level by improving the conditions that lead to burnout in the first place.”
The Best-Laid Plans—A Lesson in Curiosity
Our responsibility as Leader-First Leaders is to practice genuine Curiosity when investigating why a system isn’t supporting its designed plan. You cannot address the root cause unless you ask the right questions of the right people in a spirit of mutual trust and a shared goal to improve the system together.
Shifting the Tides of Integrity
“The staff fell victim to ethical fading, a cognitive phenomenon in which people fail to recognize or consider all the moral ramifications of their decisions. They become so focused on other aspects, such as financial gains, personal interests, or behavioral pressures, that they unintentionally overlook or downplay the moral implications of their actions.”
Empathy is Not One-Size Fits All
It was evident that the intention behind the contents of this "box of sunshine" was rooted in sincere care. The humans who created it took real time to understand and share our experiences over the past few months. That's why the box was so meaningful. That's why I felt a tangible release after receiving it.
Navigating Empathy with both Brain and Heart
"Sitting in a tiny boat with a stranger for an hour provides a unique platform to connect or to completely sink a relationship before it starts. Last week, I might have done the latter."
Gratitude—More than a Feeling
“Saying thank-you” does not go far enough. You must recognize the source of the gratitude and understand its value to you. By more meaningfully evaluating and expressing gratitude the benefits extend to both the giver and the receiver.
Inclusivity—A Bottom-Line Imperative
“By championing Inclusivity, organizations gain a competitive edge because they can attract top talent, loyal customers, and long-term partnerships—all of which grow the bottom line.”
Harness the Authenticity Unicorn and Unleash You
Embracing crescendos requires you to walk through fear and the unknown. Crescendos require Courage. Crescendos require you to give up control in exchange for faith. Pay attention to these moments and the decisions that follow them. When you summon the Courage to embrace a crescendo, you purposefully choose to move into discomfort and find your way back onto the path you were meant to travel.
Take the Risk—Everyday Courage
I am introducing the Courage Touchstone by sharing this story, not because jumping out of a plane takes Courage. But because accessing Courage requires you to walk through things that scare you.
Exploring the Ethical Crevice
Leaders do what is right, not what is expedient. ~Principal #5—Crescent Leadership Manifesto
The Stubborn, Brilliant Organizational System
“Pull a thread here, and you’ll find it’s attached to the rest of the world.” ~Nadeem Aslam
Leading Change in the Shifting Workplace
In the past few years, the business landscape has changed at a rate more rapidly than at any other time in history. Unfortunately, with the Fourth Industrial Revolution upon us, organizations' internal workings, including how we lead people, haven’t broadly changed in response.
Look First to Self—An Ode to My Mother
There is always light, if only we’re brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it. ~Amanda Gorman
We are a reflection of our life experiences. But it doesn’t matter if those experiences are good or bad. What matters is how we interpret and use those experiences to shape our future actions.
Playing The Long Game
“A river cuts through rock, not because of its power, but because of its persistence.” ~Jim Watkins
This is not a Story about Sleep. This is a Story about Gratitude.
I often hear the phrase, “Have an attitude of Gratitude.” However, a grateful attitude does not go far enough to evoke Gratitude’s positive neurological and physiological effects. Gratitude is an action, not a mindset.
Pursue Energy Renewal, Not Work-Life Balance
We are, and will forever be stuck with 24 hours in a day. Trying to do more... and more... and more... with an unchanging space of time is the very definition of ignorance. The most common mistake made by Leaders of people is this—working an employee to the point of exhaustion does not lead to more productivity and higher performance. In fact, working late hours, and long days, with no truly focused time to recenter and recuperate, catastrophically impairs high performance.